This page gives an overview of some of the significant study trips, travels and significant events.
As can be seen, the destinations include important European and Kurdish cities, notably those which
have institutes set-up for improving global justice and peace in general, and for the Kurds in particular.
For each study trip/travel/event, there is a separate page with one or a few photos and an explanation why the trip was significant.
The documents show how Kavien actively contributed to the event and the photos show his fine sense of aesthetics.
The pages include photos of authentic buildings, the people involved, and the joy of being with friends.
Geneva, June 2016: Study trip to United Nations and other International Organisations
Oslo, November 2016: Study trip to the Nobel Peace Center and “The New World Embassy: Rojava&lrquo;
Paris, July-August 2018: Visit and internship at the Kurdish Institute
The Hague, June 10, 2016: Ad Pacem Lecture on Gender & Honour-Based Violence
The Hague, March 16, 2017: Commemoration of the Halabja attack of 1988
Duhok, April 2017: 3rd Lalish Conference for Peace and Coexistence
Brussels, summer 2019: Visit to the European Parliament, with Nazand Begikhani
London 2019: Summer reception, invitation by Kurdish Government
2016, Sept 18 (and 2017, Oct. 15), Amsterdam: Dam tot Damloop Run for War Child and Marathon for VluchtelingenWerk