Kavien’s Study Trip to Geneva, May 2016

at the memorial website of Kavien Begikhani


The Bestuurskunde program of the Hague University of Applied Science in cooperation with the International Public Management program organized a study-trip to Geneva, in which Kavien and the other students visited the major daughter organizations of the United Nations to develop an understanding how these institutions function in the complexities of the world.

Photos and background information

The photo shows Kavien and in the background the impressive building van het CIRC, the International Committee of the Red Cross.

The photo shows the flags of all nations in front of the United Nations building.

Kavien’s Reflection

The Bestuurskunde program in cooperation with the International Public Management program organized a study-trip to Geneva, in which we visited the major daughter organizations of the United Nations, and attempted to determine how this extensive organization functions in our fragmented International State System, embodied by hostile tension and competition by the world’s Superpowers.

It helped us to understand and analyze the complexities and majors obstacles which the United Nations does face in our violent and complex world, in order to devise sustainable solutions for major world affairs. It has been a thought-provoking and enriching study-trip, yet sometimes frustrating as we shared common criticism and objections against the unfair regulations and privileges of the World’s strong and powerful nations.

Major critique: What gives the 5 permanent members of the Security Council the legitimate right to Veto the adaptation of a resolution, on behalf of the world population. Consequently, many civilians and nations are bearing the brunt of these strategic actions, interventions and policies to serve their own political agenda.

Judicious self-reflection and equal-dialogue is critical for modification and innovation: we cannot accept double standards, nor aggressive behavior from any state in our world.

Thanks everyone for this empowering experience, and the intense and inspiring discussions. And yes, the ICE CREAM in Geneva is heavenly. Pistachio, Mokka & Chocolate-berries...

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